FETP 25th Anniversary Celebration (JP)

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September 15, 2017

FETP 25th Anniversary Celebration (JP)

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We are now living in a world of incredibly rapid change -- the Information Age. Everything moves so fast, especially in the industry we are in, which makes stability hard to achieve. That is why FETP celebrating its Silver Anniversary is a proof of how the company withstood the highest ups and lowest downs it faced during the last two and a half decades.

To celebrate this event, FETP-JP crossed bridges, walked the sky, and conquered fears. Members assigned in Yokohama, together with our former president, who travelled for about an hour and a half from Kanagawa to Shizuoka prefecture to gather and celebrate FETP's 25th corporate anniversary through an Izu and Mishima skywalk tour.

The travel time didn't seem too long as EEC2017 prepared three different sets of mind games that didn't let the members sleep.

  1. Brain Teasers
  2. Objective: To figure out what phrase or word the brain-teaser is depicting.

  3. Mystery Riddles
  4. Objective: To solve the mystery behind a series of situations.

  5. Mad Gab
  6. Objective: To figure out what the given phrase is depicting based on how the phrase sounds like. (Hop Pea An Eve Verse Sour Reef Eat Tippy! = Happy Anniversary FETP!)

The first stop was Izu Fruit Park where we munched fresh musk melons. The green-y appearance made the melons look unripe at first, but was definitely on its best state -- crunchy and sweet. We learned not to judge a melon by its color. Some members also tried the melon ice cream.

The second stop was Mishima Skywalk Bridge which is the longest pedestrian-only suspension bridge in Japan. It took us about 10 minutes to reach the other side of the bridge where we gazed at different landscapes around the place. Though it was a cloudy day, we still enjoyed a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji -- the highest mountain in Japan, and Suruga Bay -- the deepest bay in Japan. We got to enjoy three of Japan's best during the tour!

Third stop was Izu Panorama Park where we had a long ropeway ride to Fujimi Terraces. It was like watching a drone clip in 5D as we get higher. The fear is real!

We tried out the obstacle courses at the Fujimi Terraces and relaxed as we stared at the beautiful scenery surrounding us.

Members headed back to the Panorama Park where a delightful buffet was waiting. Their sushi station was interesting because, unlike the usual wasabi paste we pair with shoyu, theirs was a raw wasabi crop which you also have to grate yourself.

It was past the noon, members were full, the bus's aircon was on its max, what could be better than a good nap?

There was a moment of silence inside the bus until the tour guide grabbed his microphone and announced that we will soon be stopping on our fourth destination -- Watersheds of Kakitagawa where we peeked on the different water forms of the Kakitagawa Springs Group.

What's interesting in this place is that it's just along the main road, yet it didn't really feel like it. You can still feel the breezy and fresh air coming from the water forms and the trees surrounding the place.

Before we went back to Yokohama, we had a brief stop at Numazu Gourmet Road station where we bought souvenirs and some of the local products of Mishima.

As the bus departed from the Numazu Gourmet Road, EEC announced the Top 3 winners of the games and distributed the prizes.

This ended the Izu and Mishima Skywalk tour, but not the Anniversary Celebration. We headed to Amataro and feasted upon the meat-all-you-can menu as we arrived in Yokohama. EEC2017 expressed gratitude and appreciation for the presence and active participation of the members and raised a toast before starting the feast. As FETP enters its “quarter life”, we hope the company will continue to grow bigger, soar higher, and aspire to greater heights!